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3 AM Setbacks

I am up at 3 AM mostly when I go through flare ups (yep I know, my Sacral chakra is clearly messed up) leaving me to buy another ticket to never ever land. Never Ever land is the mind space I go to when things don't go as planned. It's the place where I start catching the...this will never ever happen wave, where negative thoughts often creep in through the backdoor as if they missed curfew.

I would share what those thoughts truly were but for now I seem to be having a hard time admitting them to myself. I haven't journaled or ate three meals consistently in over a week. This is what happens when I shut down and practically pack all my things and move to Never Ever Land. If you ever find yourself catching a flight there with your one carry on bag, know that your root chakra is probably blocked by about five brick walls made of negative energy and negative thoughts. If it wasn't so cold out I would probably run outside barefoot in hopes to at least tear down one of those walls. Feet to the ground is where the healing starts...

Here's how we are going to deal with this... you like how I said we? ( it's no turning back now).

1. Get out of my drought of not confessing my thoughts in my prayer book

2. Follow it up by watching The Secret (whenever something happens I often reset with watching The Secret as a friendly reminder)

3. Download The Secret the book (I literally just downloaded a free copy on audible so come Tuesday at work I will be getting my life together)

4. Pray (I personally find it hard to pray without getting sidetracked so I write letters to God)

5. Breathe and meditate (find a good guided meditation on YouTube and include holding your healing crystals)

6. Focus on Self

This is my personal action plan for my current situation, what's yours? Take a look at some of the YouTube videos I often use to balance my root chakra.

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