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Your Purpose

How does it feel to do something you love? No, like really do something that you dreamed of and for all your life knew was going to happen? That is something I wish for everyday but honestly laziness often creeps in and finds it way to lay its heavy head on my shoulder. I can see purpose in everyone else’s life but my own or I see the purpose and simply do nothing with it. I am not only doing a dis-service to others and myself but I am also a hypocrite. I can tell my sister she has purpose today and not see the own purpose I have. Why is it we so easily believe in others and tend to find doubt when it comes to our own dreams and goals? It could be a small does of self-sabotage setting in and at this point in my life I just don’t have time to ruin things when I am in control. This kind of mindset goes against everything I am supposed to stand for…law of attraction. If I constantly think I can never do x, y and z then of course I just placed my order for those things to never happen. Perfect example of how the law of attraction can be applied to just about everything and anything. We have to be honest with ourselves when our life isn’t turning out how we imagined it to be. Once you realize you are the creator of your destiny and you stop feeling bad for yourself, you can start living in your purpose. I like to thank by blogging at least once a month are baby steps to doing what I feel like I am here to do….uplift and inspire. If God is happy with my efforts and me then I am doing something right!

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