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Your Tribe

Over the past few years I have realized the importance of finding your tribe or cultivating the tribe that serves you best. What do I mean by tribe? I mean people that think like you and bring something to the table that improves your life. If you notice people tend to run from your friendship then honestly the problem may be you if it has happened more than four times. Self-reflection is necessary in this case. What are you doing to run people off? Why do toxic people tend to find you? All good questions to answer when you realize your tribe is either getting too big or too small.

At church last weekend the Pastor mentioned the importance of community and why its critical to have people in your life to tell you when you are wrong and encouraging when you make life changing decisions. The community or your tribe can either make or break you especially if you are an empath like myself. The smallest shade or doubtful remark I may get from a friend can literally ruin my entire hour. People love to say no one should have that power over you but being highly sensitive has its drawbacks and its advantages. One of the downfalls is we are extremely sensitive self doubt will move in like the roommate from hell until we pull ourselves out of the trenches after reading The Power for the 48th time. An advantage of being an HSW (highly sensitive warrior) is that you can definitely sense when someone is not there usual self. Whether over the phone or how they say hi to you, their energy speaks volumes and its laid all out on the floor just waiting for you to dissect. A healthy balance of the energy you intake and release is so important for just every day well being for any person, empathy or not.

I say all of that to say, it is important how people show up in your life and how you show up in there’s. Be mindful of the words they choose to use with you and be kind to them when they are not ready to pull back the layers on what might be bothering them. A healthy friendship is one that doesn’t judge or add negativity to your life. Find your tribe and only accept applications when a new position is available (one that adds value to your life).

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