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Chakra What?

The first time I heard this I thought to myself, what do I have to lose at this point? I was going to chakra my way right on to success and happiness.

The very first time I tried meditating to balance my chakras was so peaceful and almost unreal. I was in one of the darkets times of my life and I felt like God was not on my side.Honestly, I lost all hope in everything I was praying for it seemed to be a lost cause. I was convinced that all of my prayers were getting "returned to sender" and #God was thinking bruh you are on your own on this one. I was first introduced to Chakras by my cousin and she explained to me that basically everything that we endure in life is a direct reflection of our chakras. You name it, then your #chakra is to blame.

“I was convinced that all of my prayers were getting "returned to sender" and God was thinking bruh you are on your own on this one.”

I am far from an expert on this considering I am still learning myself but I am here to tell you it works!I thought a little introduction on exactly what it is may be helpful before you hop in on this train with me.

What are Chakras?

In laimens terms, its what #energy flows through. It is like the headquarters to your destiny. If your chakras are out of wack, I garuantee something is going all wrong in your life. The great thing is, you have the power to take control and change your destiny/ balance your chakras.

There are a total of seven chakras through which the energy flows through. The seven chakras include (in this order) Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Third Eye and Crown chakra. Remembering these chakras and their locations is helpful when trying to balance your chakras or help the flow of energy. Illnesses and daily events are often caused by a blocked chakra so it is important to learn how to keep energy flowing freely through all 7.

Let's get personal for a second

When I started reading more about these chakras I was talking to a guy that lived in another state (long distance situationship) and I was more importantly looking for a new job because I needed insurance ASAP. I was getting plenty of call backs for jobs on contract (without benefits) and even interviews for jobs in Atlanta but without travel assistance for me to actually interview. I started meditating and purchased my healing stones (we will get to that later) and everything turned around. My situationship (so i thought) was moving in the right direction and I was finally getting call backs from companies willing to fly me out or do Facetime interviews. Long story short, I moved to Atlanta at the end of September and I thank my cousin everyday for introducing this lifestyle to me because had she not I am not 100% sure I would have gotten the call back for an interview.

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