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Curlfest Changed My Hair Journey

I found out about Curlfest literally a week before it blessed Atlanta with its presence and it was pure luck I was able to go. One of my fellow Trojans had an extra ticket and I was able to get full access to the VIP perks and experience something that changed my perception of myself. I know you are probably thinking, girl is it that serious? It is when you have been through many phases of your hair journey and it is a constant struggle with what to do next. Here is the backstory, I decided to go natural my Junior or Senior year in college and the transition itself was a struggle. All I did was watch Youtube videos on how to seal the moisture and I spent more time trying to figure out why the top of my hair was a 3C but the rest a solid 4B. I was natural for years under braids, sew-ins and wigs but for a good 2-3 years my hair never debuted. I was over being in the bathroom for hours all for me to just throw in a ponytail and lay my edges down like I was 5 again. In 2015, my uncle passed away which life changing for me and that was meant it was time to change my hair. I went to the salon for a blow out and by the time I got to my sister’s house to show off my new hair it had taken form like it was swollen. I was over it and text my stylist that I needed a relaxer and I wanted to cut all my hair off. Longer story short, I got the relaxer and got the cutest pixie cut but then moved to Atlanta and was scared for anyone to put a relaxer in my hair. Fast forward to today, I made my first appointment to get my hair done (you guessed it, I am natural again) in a twist out and my stomach hurts just thinking about it. The Curlfest coming to Atlanta opened up a strength in me I had no idea I even needed or lacked. I didn’t realize until then that a part of me hated my hair and resented it which is why I stopped taking care of it. The woman and girls I saw at Curlfest were all so confident with whatever curls they had it was like everyone had their very own crown and I left mine at home for all these years.

After the event, I had to face the shadows that were knocking on my door. What is about my hair that I don’t like? I knew the answer to this but even after saying it aloud it sounded slightly ignorant. I didn’t like how long it takes to do it, the cost of product and honestly it could have been longer. Good things come to those who wait and also to those who work hard. With that said, that is why I have made a pledge to myself to make this appointment get an idea of how healthy my hair is and do a better job of taking care of what God decided to give me. The biggest lesson from this (from me to you) embrace what you are given no matter how much work it takes to maintain or how much money it cost, if God gave you it then it is time to embrace the journey.

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