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Sacred Place

New lease, new me, right? That is the exact concept I have tried to live by for the past three months. Around September 2018 I started counting down the days before my lease was up I was literally living in a space where my mind could not rest, and my body was weary as soon as I opened the door. What I didn’t tell even my closest friends was that a variety of bugs from every species you can think of had taken over the space I had just learned to love and meditate in. All of that stopped as soon as they started to appear from every room in the house. The psychic I visited told me something would happen at this apartment that would make me move and she was almost right. Long story short, I tried to move to another unit, but it didn’t work so I changed my mindset and duct tape was put on overnight watch for securing all borders in my apartment. Changing my mindset changed the course of events that were to follow so her vision wasn’t incorrect, I just simply changed the outcome (another post for another day).

On to the new and improved spot I have worked hard to create a space that I want to come home to after work. I knew there were a few things that I needed to include like a corner to meditate and small alter for my crystals and candles. I started to follow @ladyscorpio101 on Instagram for inspiration and was able to pick up furniture to assist with and I got all my floor pillows from Urban Outfitters, TJ Maxx and Amazon. I found pictures and words to create a vision board right on my wall over my couch as a constant reminder of what I want and what I need to have the life I hoped for.

For the first five days, I was amazed by what I created, and the energy was so positive I smiled just at the feeling of warmth and happiness around me. Subconsciously, I was finding ways to balance my root chakra (the root chakra is associated with feeling grounded, secure, basic needs). I remember thinking to myself I just need a space I feel proud of and happy to be in and I have done just that. I took the time to decorate and every detail has a purpose for the lifestyle I am hoping to achieve.

I want to encourage you to take a look at your home, room or dorm and ask yourself does this place make you feel secure and grounded? If the answer is no, then you have some work to do and I know just the place to start. Take a dive into your heart and mind to determine what are things that make you feel secure, if its crystals… add more crystals associated with balancing the root chakra (i.e. Red Jasper, Smoky Quartz). I am here to simply tell you how I found my happy in the storm in hopes to inspire you to do the same. As an empath, every little thing affects me so IMAGINE if your home doesn’t reflect who you are or how you want to feel then you are automatically starting the race in reverse. I have learned over the past few months the importance of raising the frequency in my space and crystals are perfect for that.  Get a head start and tackle the issues that are causing the imbalance in your root chakra…create your sacred space….create the life you want

Links below for inspiration to creating your sacred space:

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