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The Law of Attraction

After reading the secret on my Snow Days, it made me realize I have been applying the law of attraction to just about every part of my life except when it comes to relationships. The last two jobs were big moves for me; one to Richmond and the last one to Atlanta. In both instances, I would look for apartments as if I had an offer letter waiting to sign. I remember having a conversation with my uncle and he laughed at the fact that I was looking for an apartment without an actual job in Atlanta. I simply said I want to be prepared when it happens. Keyword WHEN!

So why is it that I have fallen short in applying this to other aspects of my life? At some point I came up with a preconceived notion that a legit relationship just wasn’t in the cards for me. I was never the little girl planning my wedding down to a T. In fact, I never thought about marriage at all. I was completely content with the thought of not getting married and the idea that titles ruin everything. With that mindset, I created my current situation: 29, single, no kids and no potential boyfriends or husbands in sight.

I say all of this to point out that we are the creators of our destiny. It is up for you to change the narration of your life. No matter how far fetched it may seem, the possibilities are unlimited if you don’t put restrictions on them. Surround yourself with people who won’t laugh at what seems to be impossible and find people that will encourage you to do what others said you couldn’t. It isn’t too late to change your destiny and it all starts with one positive thought!

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