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The Power of Gratitude

The hardest thing to do is be grateful when trapped in what appears to be hell. Hell is everything you always feared; failure, heartbreak, bad credit and rejection letters from employers by the boatload. Hell on earth is where every person lives that hasn’t realized the secret to life...GRATEFULNESS. Cliché’ right? As cliché as it may seem, it's actually true. It is the step that is often left out when practicing The Law of Attraction.

Gratitude sends out vibrations to the universe letting her know that you are ready to receive everything you ever dreamed of. About 8 months ago I purchase a gratitude journal (that I have abandoned for about 3 months now) that helped me exercise gratitude more. Every morning, I would wake up and write down three things I was grateful for. The more you are grateful for the more of that thing you will get. So if you are grateful for your families well being then that is exactly what you will get more of.

More recently, I practiced gratitude without the journal in hopes to find a new job. I started loving things about my current job like the relationships I built and the funny ways my co-workers had. I no longer allowed the things they did to get to me or change my mood. I had recently created a sacred space so my mornings were better and I came to work with a smile on my face. I was happy to serve the City of Atlanta and the residents, for the first time I felt like I was making a difference at work. My boss told me one day after returning from vacation that something was different about me. I was excited the time home gave me a reset and all the changes I had been making were finally impacting my energy. A few weeks later, I received an offer to a job I interviewed for in November. My gratitude finally caught up with me and I was getting everything I wanted in my career; more money, more responsibility and more job satisfaction. My last day of work was this week and I cried like someone died. It was like the last day of high school not sure if I would ever see these people again but hoping that the relationships I built would last a lifetime.

That is just one story how gratefulness can transform your hell on earth. The power lies within you and your attitude toward life. So what’s it going to be? Grab a journal if your subconscious can’t be trained to be grateful and write down at least once a day what you are grateful for. Pray to God and wait for the magic to happen….

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